Step Zero

Making sustainable living the norm with Social Media creators

Imagine fifty thousand creators across the world igniting one billion consumers to make more sustainable choices. That is the ambition of Step Zero – a groundbreaking coalition to scale engaging science-backed sustainability social media content and inspire behavior change to make sustainable living the norm.

The first phase of Step Zero features the creation of the Step Zero Library: a first-of-its-kind resource that provides vital resources and learning materials for content creators covering topics such as: climate communication and inspiring your followers, navigating misinformation and spotting greenwashing, and covers key thematic areas including fashion, food, travel, home and lifestyle.

Count Us In is joined in Step Zero by Unilever, Futerra Solutions Union, Pinterest, Project Drawdown, Rare, Re:wild, Sky,UNDP, WPP and YouTube. We are welcoming social media creators who want to sign up to this initiative and help us build it up with their feedback; and new partner organizations who are interested in scaling consumer awareness about their sustainable brands via social media collaborations.

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